terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Arte Microscópica

Copio e colo do Boston Globe Big Picture algumas  fotos que ganharam o concurso de microfotografia Small World, patrocinado pela Nikon. As explicações de cada foto estão em inglês.

A mouse nerve fiber layer on a retinal flatmount at 40x magnification by Gabriel Luna of the UC Santa Barbara Neuroscience Research Institute in Santa Barbara, Calif. using the laser confocal scanning method. (Gabriel Luna
Graphite-bearing granulite from Kerala, India in polarized light at 2.5x magnification by Dr. Bernardo Cesare of the Department of Geosciences in Padova, Italy. (Dr. Bernardo Cesare)
An ant head magnified ten times and photographed by Dr. Jan Michels of Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in Kiel, Germany using the confocal method with autofluorescence. (Dr. Jan Michels)
Thomas Deerinck of the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research in La Jolla, Calif. captured HeLa (cancer) cells at 300x magnification with 2-photon fluorescence. (Thomas Deerinck) #

Using reflected light, Yanping Wang of the Beijing Planetarium in Beijing captured sand at 4x magnification. (Yanping Wang)

A curare vine (Chondrodendron tomentosum) in cross-section at 45x magnification was shot by Dr. Stephen S. Nagy of Montana Diatoms in Helena, Montana using the brightfield method and digitally inverted. (Dr. Stephen S. Nagy) #


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